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发布时间:2020-12-26      阅读量:



■ 亚马逊等电商平台代扣代缴


Amazon Report

Amazon VAT Transactions Report (AVTR):

We will introduce two new columns to AVTR in order to help you identify transactions where Amazon is responsible for reporting VAT:

Tax Reporting Scheme: This column identifies the tax legislation concerning the transaction.

Tax Collection Responsibility: This column identifies the party responsible for collection and remittance of tax (VAT) to the authorities. Where it states “Marketplace” then Amazon will remit the VAT to the authorities. If it states “SELLER” then you remain responsible for any VAT due.

VAT Calculations Report (VCR):

We will introduce two new columns to VCR in order to help you identify transactions where Amazon is responsible for reporting VAT:

Tax Reporting Scheme: This column identifies the tax legislation concerning the transaction.

Tax Collection Responsibility: This column identifies the party responsible for collection and remittance of tax (VAT) to the authorities. Where it states “Marketplace” then Amazon will remit the VAT to the authorities. If it states “SELLER” then you remain responsible for any VAT due.



2)英国仓库发货,无论价值,平台代扣销售VAT。(清关时可选用postponed VAT accounting,无需支付进口税,进口税值体现在申报中。无需抵扣)

亚马逊将会更新VAT Calculations Report, 代扣部分将不会出现在申报时应缴税金内。正常VAT申报将只会计算非代缴代扣部分。

非海外本地顾客不会产生代扣代缴情况,但为了保证您不会被重复计算销售VAT,我们将在计算申报时对比您的电商平台的VAT Transaction/Calculations Report 以核对实际需申报金额。

■ 进口税延迟核算 Postponed VAT accounting

进口税延迟核算,即您无需在清关时先支付进口税(import VAT),再抵扣。直接在季度申报时包括这方面数据即可。

From 1 January 2021, if your business is registered for VAT in the UK find out when you can, or need to, account for import VAT on your VAT Return (also called postponed VAT accounting).


◆ 通知货代在报关时选择Postponed VAT accounting。

◆ 每个月初在HMRC税局取得上个月清关情况报告(我司会帮您下载计算)。

◆ 季度申报时需包括3个月清关报告monthly statement postponed VAT数值和进口货值总额。

原货代代收进口税的方式仍可继续使用,即清关时不选择Postponed VAT accounting,顾客支付进口税,收到C79, 在申报时再抵扣C79。

■ FRS低税率计划


Sellers who are using the Flat Rate Scheme must decide if they want to remain in the scheme from 1 January 2021.

Any sales a seller makes through an online marketplace, where the online marketplace is liable to account for the VAT, will not be included in the Flat Rate Scheme calculation from 1 January 2021.

Sellers who decide to remain in the scheme will continue to be subject to its conditions, including the restrictions on recovering VAT.

A seller can decide to leave the scheme at any time.


